
AgriGenomic NGS Panel

anginomic-1Molecular breeding can significantly reduce the cost and time required to deliver improved plant and animal species for agricultural use. Advancements in genomic technologies are accelerating these breeding programs by enabling higher-throughput genotyping across large populations than ever before.
The AgriSeq targeted GBS solution utilizes a highly efficient multiplexed PCR chemistry where hundreds to thousands of markers can be targeted and uniformly amplified in a single reaction. The amplicon libraries can then be barcoded and pooled for simultaneous sequencing of hundreds of samples on the Next-generation sequencing (NGS) instruments. At a cost of pennies or less per genotype, AgriSeq targeted GBS is capable of generating up to 1.6 million genotypes per day from high-quality NGS data. Whether you’re looking to achieve more accurate marker-assisted breeding selection, or to improve your livestock parentage discrimination and trait monitoring, our solutions can help advance your plant and animal breeding programs

Key Feature of AgriGenomics by GBS

Scalable Genotyping

AgriSeq genotyping is performed on the Ion Torrent NGS platform and is validated for 100–5,000 markers per sample. Using the Ion 540 chip, AgriSeq genotyping can produce up to 800,000 unique genotype results per chip at an average read depth of 100x to achieve maximal genotype call rates. Combinations of different panels and species can also be processed on the same run.

Reproducible results

Deliver high marker call rates with greater reproducibility across diverse sample sets to help ensure accurate selection. Marker call rates can exceed 96% with >99% inter- and& intra-run reproducibility, and AgriSeq targeted GBS data maintains a high concordance (>99%) when compared to the orthogonal genotyping technologies such as DNA microarrays.

Fast, simple workflow

Includes library generation, automated template prep, sequencing, and data analysis, which can be completed in ~2 days with


Work Flow of IonS5 AgriSeq

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Parentage Detection

Targeted genotyping by sequencing (GBS) solutions AgriSeq GBS parentage panels and kits enable flexible and cost-effective parentage determination, which has important applications in herd management and breed registration programs.
The International Society for Animal Genetics (ISAG) has standardized a set of 100 core SNPs and 100 additional SNPs with sufficient minor-allele frequency and genomic spacing for accurate bovine parentage determination across a wide range of breeds.
3i’s SNP Parentage Panel has been designed to deliver highly reproducible call rates of markers across breeds in a simple workflow

Key Features includes :

  •  >98% genotyping call rate across breeds
  •  Highly reproducible data
  •  Simple, high-throughput AgriSeq™ workflow
  •  Customizable panel with other trait or defect markers
